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Features and Release Notes

What's New on RivalFlow AI

Aaron Chiandet avatar
Written by Aaron Chiandet
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Release Notes 2025/03/12


  • Fixed a bug where the URL filter input field wouldn't clear automatically after accepting a recommendation, eliminating the need for manual clearing and providing a more streamlined workflow when generating custom Writing Projects.

  • Resolved an issue where the "Show Me Where it Goes" feature in non-English projects that displayed the existing article's outline in English. Projects in other languages (like Spanish, Dutch, French, Italian, etc.) now correctly display suggestions in their respective languages throughout the entire workflow.

Release Notes 2025/03/05


  • Major Release: Added data for Sweden and Switzerland. Users can now create new projects from domains that rank on Google pages from those respective countries.


  • Fixed a bug where the Primary Keyword’s rank displayed in the SERP drawer didn't match the one shown in the recommendation.

  • Resolved an issue where the primary keyword displayed in the Pick a Page recommendation didn't match the selected keyword shown in the Choose Competitor drawer.

  • Fixed a bug where the "Collecting" message would persist indefinitely on certain pages in Track Results, preventing users from seeing their completed data.

Release Notes 2025/02/26


  • Resolved an issue where the keyword count displayed in the summary differed from the expanded view. This fix provides consistent metrics for better content analysis.

Release Notes 2025/02/19


  • Fixed a bug where users attempting to select a new competitor in Writing Projects were caught in a redirection loop, repeatedly returning to the competitor selection screen instead of proceeding to content analysis.

  • Resolved an issue where the domain suggestion dropdown on the homepage wouldn't collapse when clicking outside the suggestion area, causing the suggestions to remain visible unintentionally.

  • Fixed a bug where Recommended Pages could sometimes suggest duplicate competitor URLs, limiting your backup options if the primary recommendation wasn't suitable. This ensures more diverse alternative content sources are now available when creating writing projects.

Release Notes 2025/02/12


  • Improved Google Search Console data processing speed, so that large websites with many tracked URLs now sync significantly faster


  • Fixed a bug where duplicate keywords could prevent competitor page recommendations from loading in Pick-a-Page mode

  • Resolved an issue where writing projects could occasionally fail to create due to database conflicts, ensuring more reliable project generation

  • Fixed a bug where users couldn't navigate through all onboarding steps using the progress bar after being fast-tracked to account creation

  • Resolved an issue where previously-reviewed content recommendations that were accepted or declined would still show up as suggested projects.

  • Fixed a bug where a "No recommendations" message would briefly flash during the initial loading of new campaign recommendations, creating a smoother first-time experience

Release Notes 2025/02/05


  • Improved Writing Project generation speed by up to 40% through optimized processing, so that you can start working on content improvements more quickly

Release Notes 2025/01/29


  • Improved error messaging when RivalFlow can't find matching keywords in our search data

  • Improved Writing Project navigation by automatically taking you to your project after accepting a recommendation, eliminating unnecessary clicks


  • Fixed a bug where certain websites with strict security settings were preventing RivalFlow from analyzing their content, causing 'Heads up' error messages during Writing Project creation.

Release Notes 2025/01/22


  • Resolved an issue where Writing Projects would mix English and local language content in question/answer comparisons

  • Resolved an issue where modifying competitors didn't work properly for writing projects created through Add a Page

Release Notes 2025/01/15


  • Improved the onboarding experience by removing unnecessary setup steps, so that new users can start analyzing their content within seconds of signing up.

  • Improved the signup experience for SpyFu users coming to RivalFlow, so that their domain information is automatically pre-filled when they arrive from


  • Fixed a bug where users received unclear messaging when subscription upgrades failed due to payment processing issues. The system now provides clear guidance on updating payment information and retrying the upgrade.

  • Resolved an issue where Writing Projects could fail to generate when content grades were missing from previous snapshots. The system now automatically evaluates content quality during project creation, reducing the number of errors users experience.

  • Fixed a bug where entering an invalid URL in the Pick a Page section would result in a system error instead of providing a helpful message. The system now clearly indicates when a URL cannot be found or accessed.

Release Notes 2025/01/08


  • Improved Writing Project reliability by automatically retrying when temporary service interruptions occur, ensuring your content analysis completes successfully

  • Improved navigation by making the "Show me where" content preview box clickable, allowing direct access to the highlighted section of your page

  • Improved Writing Project deletion speed in Pick a Page by making removal instant, creating a more responsive interface

  • Improved error messaging when adding an existing account to your team by providing clearer guidance and a direct support link for faster resolution

  • Improved search functionality for unranked URLs by making it ignore special characters, ensuring more accurate results when searching


  • Resolved an issue where URLs with leading spaces could prevent Writing Projects from being created properly

  • Fixed a bug where highlighted content in Partially Answered Questions wasn't displaying correctly in the Writing Project interface

Release Notes 2024/12/18


  • Improved keyword selection by adding a visual pill indicator for unranked keywords, so you can easily track your current selection

  • Improved quality and relevance control by allowing users to exclude any competitors from page comparisons, found in Campaign Settings

  • Improved Writing Project reliability by implementing automatic retry logic, so if the first recommendation fails, we'll automatically try the next best option


  • Resolved an issue where the SERP drawer displayed incorrect empty states when using filters

  • Fixed a bug where searches for non-existent keywords didn't show an appropriate empty state message

  • Resolved an issue where RivalFlowAI receipts were generated without Transaction IDs

Release Notes 2024/12/11


  • Expanded keyword visibility in Pick a Page from 5 to all ranking keywords, helping you identify your most valuable optimization opportunities.

  • Added smart property detection to Google Search Console integration, automatically suggesting the most relevant property for your campaign based on data patterns.

  • Expanded Pick a Page to support any keyword in our database, allowing you to target new ranking opportunities beyond your current search presence.

  • Optimized table number formatting with monospace digits, making data comparison and analysis faster and easier.

Release Notes 2024/12/04


  • Added details in Account Settings (Plan) to show monthly usage at a glance.

  • Improved Pick a Page functionality by integrating your sitemap, providing a comprehensive list of content for optimization.

  • Improved the Pick a Page experience by persisting your filtered URL through to the wizard in the event you want to optimize a page we don’t have.


  • Resolved an issue where brand highlighting was incorrectly adding CSS code to content improvement suggestions.

  • Fixed a bug where PDF files were incorrectly appearing as optimizable pages in Pick a Page.

  • Resolved an issue where URL format inconsistencies between SERP and Google Search Console data were causing tracking failures.

Release Notes 2024/11/13


  • Resolved an issue where the chat bubble was obscuring pagination on data tables in some resolutions.

  • Fixed a bug where the wrong domain name was being displayed in the Google Search Console connection setting.

Release Notes 2024/11/06


  • Resolved an issue where text remained highlighted after copying to clipboard, even when highlight mode was disabled.

  • Fixed a bug where filters weren't functioning properly in the Action Stream.

  • Resolved an issue that blocked users from updating primary keywords on unranked pages.

Release Notes 2024/10/30


  • Improved API functionality with Fresh Search Volume metrics in keyword data.

  • Added notifications for Writing Project limits and usage tracking.

  • Streamlined New Campaign creation by removing site size restrictions.


  • Resolved an issue where the new campaign wizard from the SpyFu cross promo did not retain the domain details that the user had just typed in.

  • Fixed a bug where “Show Me Where It Goes” sometimes renders a markdown code block in place of the outline.

Release Notes 2024/10/23


  • Improved the reports table by providing aggregate metrics and and automatic sorting by "Biggest Wins" (highest impressions first).

  • Improved error messages to be clearer and more actionable.

  • Improved Google Sign-in support for existing Gmail users


  • Resolved an issue where users attempting to sign up with a taken username now see a clear notification instead of being redirected to login

Release Notes 2024/10/16


  • Customers can now optimize content that doesn’t currently rank. Using Pick a Page, enter the URL you want to optimize. We will review the content on the page to make a targeted keyword recommendation and a content comparison recommendation so you can start a project.

  • Improved the process of managing the GSC connection at the account level by allowing you to easily disconnect and reconnect Google authorizations.

  • Improved the formatting of large numbers in the reports to make them easier to digest.

  • Improved the tracking reports by providing easy access to the original Writing Projects that led to these outcomes.


  • Resolved an issue where backticks were showing up in generated responses that included outlines.

  • Fixed a bug where the x-axis on the reporting chart was illegible.

  • Resolved an issue where brand and NER highlighting was marking questions as highlighted but not actually highlighting anything in the response.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Action Stream to run dry after working through all of the suggestions.

  • Resolved an issue where the SERP drawer would sometimes not show other recommendations if a Writing Project failed to generate.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing only homepages to show up in recommendations from the Action Stream.

Release Notes 2024/10/09


  • Made it easier to replace competitor content by providing the full, unfiltered SERP by default. (Filter = "show only good opportunities")

Release Notes 2024/10/02


  • Implemented automatic Writing Project regeneration using next-best competitor data when initial attempt fails.

  • Improved a feature that highlights phrases in a Writing Project that are more likely to be edited: brands, locations, names, etc. by including tooltips to explain what has been highlighted and why.


  • Resolved an issue where the Action Stream was selecting suboptimal keywords for recommendations.

Release Notes 2024/09/25


  • Improved Action Stream recommendations by analyzing competitor content intent in relation to your pages. This update delivers more relevant and actionable content improvement suggestions.


  • Resolved an issue where the Action Stream might get stuck in the loading state for unknown reasons.

Release Notes 2024/09/18


  • Improved the pagination buttons to reduce visual weight.

  • Added links to our help documentation in-app under the account menu and on the footer when logged out.


  • Resolved an issue with various modals where the styles weren’t loading correctly.

  • Fixed a bug in our improved recommendation engine that caused the system to fail when you already ranked first on your keyword.

  • Resolved an issue in Pick a Page where your page might get filtered out of the list by mistake if you recently completed a Writing Project.

Release Notes 2024/09/11


  • Implemented partial match filtering in Pick a Page for more precise results.

  • Made keyword tables easier to read in the reports

  • Improved the property selection menu in the Google Search Console wizard to display the names so that it is easier to find what you’re looking for.

  • Improved the quality of the "find and replace" detection in Partially Answered Questions.


  • Resolved an issue that kept users from creating custom Writing Projects for previously completed URLs.

  • Addressed performance degradation in reports caused by browser window adjustments.

Release Notes 2024/09/04


  • Gave users the ability to sort columns in ascending and descending order on the keyword table in the results report.

  • Gave users the ability to manage Google Search Console connections, allowing them to disconnect and reconnect accounts from the Campaign Settings.

  • Gave users better control over the accuracy of results reports by allowing them to edit the published date directly within the report.


  • Fixed a bug that caused performance issues in the results report when the browser was resized.

  • Corrected various small typographical errors on the login screen.

Release Notes 2024/08/28


  • Renamed some parts of the navigation, making it easier to find and select the options you need.

  • Charts in Track Results (formerly Completed Projects) are easier to skim and interpret after standardizing the metrics to a tighter format, e.g. 12K vs 12,000.


  • Fixed a bug where mobile users were not able to switch between websites easily

  • Resolved an issue where the Copy menu had duplicate descriptions for the two different options.

  • Fixed a bug in Track Results (formerly Completed Projects) where the tooltip on the chart was colliding with the published date.

  • Resolved an issue where links in Track Results (formerly Completed Projects) would open the wrong URL.

  • Fixed a bug in Track Results (formerly Completed Projects) where the published date arrow didn't align correctly with the chart line.

Release Notes 2024/08/14


  • Improved the Copy to Clipboard functionality by adding the ability to copy either the response or the entire Writing Project from the new Copy dropdown menu.


  • Fixed a bug where toggling the "Branded" checkbox inside Writing Projects was not properly highlighting the brand mentions in the generated response.

  • Resolved an issue where the auto-suggest on domain fields was case-sensitive.

  • Fixed a bug where content outlines included part of the prompts that generated them.

  • Resolved an issue on the login page where stored credentials were not populating the appropriate fields.

Release Notes 2024/08/14


  • Fixed a bug where plan details were not showing on the upgrade page.

  • Resolved an issue where generated responses were inserting code blocks in the markdown when it should be plain text.

Release Notes 2024/08/07


  • Data collection expanded to Ukraine and Argentina.

  • Highlighting brands and products can now be toggled on and off inside a writing project.

  • Questions you Don’t Answer is easier to implement. We display an outline of your existing content with a recommendation for where the new content improvements should go. The “Show Me” button opens this feature.

  • Improved our brand recognition to focus on brands more relevant to your domain.

  • Improved the sorting of questions inside Writing Projects to be more relevant and useful.


  • Fixed a bug where the Recommended Projects header would disappear if you completed all recommendations.

Release Notes 2024/07/31


  • Improved the "Their Answer vs. Yours" section in Partially Answered Questions, replacing separate blockquotes with a single, expandable view. This change improves readability and consistency with other parts of Writing Projects.

  • Improved Writing Projects with a streamlined layout, enhanced first-time user guidance, and improved content comparison. The Copy to Clipboard button is now in the page header, and a new headline summarizes your improvement opportunities.


  • Fixed a Markdown formatting issue that was causing incorrect display of code blocks in the Writing Projects comparison view.

  • Resolved a formatting issue that was causing long URLs to wrap in undesirable ways in the Custom Projects view.

Release Notes 2024/07/23


  • Improved the accuracy and consistency of hover state highlighting for partially answered questions.


  • Fixed a bug where language detection was not working as intended.

  • Resolved an issue in the generated responses where the Show Sub-Questions would only toggle on and not off.

  • Fixed a bug in the Recommended Projects feed where the refreshed tooltip reported an incorrect refresh date.

  • Resolved an issue where markdown was occasionally being removed from generated responses.

Release Notes 2024/07/17


  • Improved the clarity of our error messaging by letting you know when it’s your page that 404s so you have a chance to fix it rather than just suggesting there was a problem with the content.

  • Improved the quality of language translation in Writing Projects.

  • Improved answers to Partially Answered Questions with text you can find on the original page. That helps you find the spot where we suggest you add the expanded copy.


  • Fixed a bug where accordions would scroll out of view when expanded at certain resolutions.

  • Resolved a visual bug that caused the brand highlighting to render incorrect colors.

  • Fixed a visual bug in Writing Projects where the generated output would include strings like “Passage_1”.

Release Notes 2024/07/10


  • Improved the Partially Answered Questions by returning the generated response in markdown.

  • Improved the quality of questions returned inside Writing Projects.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented cross promo customers from upgrading.

  • Resolved an issue where generated outputs were including information from the prompt itself.

Release Notes 2024/06/26


  • Improved the mobile experience by preventing mis-clicks from opening URLs in new tabs on Custom Project cards. We also improved the drawer interactions so that they can now be closed with swipe gestures.

  • Improved the mobile experience in the account settings by ensuring all forms are accessible and calls-to-action are easily reachable of your thumbs.


  • Fixed a visual issue with the Top Pages table in Custom Projects, which was causing an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar to appear.

  • Resolved an issue where various elements were not loading during the first run experience.

Release Notes 2024/06/20


  • Improved the Competitor table to help keep everything in view on smaller screen sizes. We also added an empty state in the rare event we don’t find competitors for your site.

  • Improved the checkout experience for logged in users who want to start a free trial.

  • Improved the mobile experience in the Action Stream by rendering the recommendations in a consistent and legible way.

  • Improved the mobile experience site-wide by using the URL input type anywhere we ask for a URL or email address.

  • Improved the New Campaign wizard by redirecting the user to step 1 in the event they enter somewhere in the middle of the flow.

  • Improved the Custom Project accordions and Top Page table to be responsive.


  • Fixed a bug where the Copy Complete Writing Project button was not retaining markdown formatting.

  • Resolved an issue where customers were not being notified when they hit Custom Project account limits.

  • Fixed a bug where the sign in form on mobile devices was not rendering error messages.

Release Notes 2024/06/12


  • Improved how we identify and highlight addresses in Writing Projects.

  • Improved the mobile layout across various pages to help deliver a more consistent experience.


  • Fixed a bug on mobile devices where notifications would collide with the Intercom chat bubble.

  • Resolved an issue with the mobile nav where the menu would not close after clicking a nav item.

  • Fixed a bug on mobile devices where the Writing Project would only render a portion of the content.

  • Resolved an issue where H2 tags were rendering incorrectly in generated responses.

  • Fixed a visual bug where expanded recommendations were larger than the collapsed recommendation.

Release Notes 2024/06/05


  • Improved the Excluded URLs Campaign Filters to allow users to enter the path to exclude instead of requiring the full URL with domain.


  • Fixed a bug where the markdown formatting wasn’t working in partially answered questions.

  • Resolved an issue where copy to clipboard HTML formatting was not pasting as expected.

  • Fixed a bug where name highlighting was a bit too aggressive and started highlighting more than just names.

Release Notes 2024/05/29


  • Improved the formatting of generated responses in Writing Projects.


  • Fixed a bug that redirected logged-in users to the pricing page instead of the upgrade page.

  • Resolved an issue where the Exclude URL filter was case-sensitive.

Release Notes 2024/05/22


  • Improved accordion width consistency across the site for a more uniform appearance.

  • Updated the Campaign Settings to allow users to manually exclude specific URLs, eliminating the need to wait for them to appear in the Action Stream.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a language detection bug that caused outputs in multiple, mixed languages.

  • Resolved an issue where Writing Projects displayed question marks instead of apostrophes.

Release Notes 2024/05/15

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Campaign Settings where you would be prompted to save your changes after updating the competitor list and saving the settings.


  • Improved the checkout experience to better convey discounts when coupons are applied.

  • Improved the team invite functionality by allowing admins to resend invites in the event a teammate cannot find the email.

  • Improved the Account Settings by adding the ability to enter your name, set and avatar, and change your email address.

  • Improved the primary keyword tags to conditionally render tooltips when the keyword itself is truncated as opposed to always rendering a tooltip which was redundant.

  • Improved the Competitor view in the Campaign Settings by updating the table to include select all functionality which should make working with large collections of competitors a lot easier to manage.

  • Identifies pages in the Action Stream that have already been made into a Custom Project

  • Made usability improvements to the Custom Project: easily identifiable in the Action Stream, primary keyword is more prominent, ability to complete or delete custom projects

  • Made the change option for Custom Project's primary keyword more visible.

Release Notes 2024/05/08

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where non-brand terms were incorrectly identified as brands.

  • Resolved an intermittent issue causing Team Invite failures.


  • Improved the More Actions menu in the Action Stream to include an option to change the primary keyword along with improved organization.

  • Users can now sign up and log in using their preferred Google account.

  • Added a timestamp to the Refresh Action Stream button so you know exactly when it was last updated.

Release Notes 2024/05/01

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was producing inconsistent results around brand identification

Release Notes 2024/04/24

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the New Campaign wizard where users were getting 404 errors when they attempt to refresh the page.

  • Resolved an issue on the first step of the New Campaign wizard where the input was autocompleting with emails instead of URLs.

Release Notes 2024/04/10


  • Released automated invoices that can be customized to your needs and sent to the appropriate recipients.

  • Improved the onboarding experience by streamlining the steps in the wizard while also giving clearer error messages when the domain is small or not found.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Copy to Clipboard functionality was not working in FireFox browsers.

Release Notes 2024/04/03


  • Improved the onboarding experience by walking new users through the Writing Project creation process.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Low Content warnings were persisting even after the user has resolved the conflict.

Release Notes 2024/03/27


  • Improved various steps of the New Campaign wizard to render better on mobile devices and small laptops.

  • Brand identification in Writing Projects has now been extended to doctors' names so that you don’t erroneously copy and paste them into your own content.

  • Improved the flow of the wizard from the homepage by no longer asking you to confirm your domain.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that was creating duplicate recommendations in the Action Stream.

  • Fixed a bug where Custom Writing Projects were incorrectly labeling the keyword cluster count on generated projects.

Release Notes 2024/03/20

  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Action Stream to provide a limited number of suggestions, showing results only on refresh.

  • Fixed a bug where adding websites to annual accounts added confusion. It showed the annual amount but suggested it’s a monthly charge.

  • Resolved an issue where pending teammates would get stuck in a loading state after joining the team.

  • Improved the breadcrumb navigation in Custom Projects to bring you back to the Custom Projects view (rather than the Action Stream) when you click the home icon.

  • Improved the generic error messages in Custom Projects to be more helpful by conveying what errored and how to resolve it.

  • Improved on the sorting algorithm in the Action Stream to surface quick wins higher up the list.

Release Notes 2024/03/13

  • Fixed an issue where password managers were unable to recognize the login page correctly.

  • Enhanced Team Invites by allowing you to assign admin status at the time of sending an invite.

  • Writing Projects will now identify and highlight addresses in Writing Projects to help avoid accidentally including it in your content.

Release Notes 2024/03/06

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing customers from pasting their credit card number into the checkout form.

Release Notes 2024/02/28

  • Extended Brand Identification Functionality to Phone Numbers: We've expanded the brand identification functionality to include phone numbers, enhancing the scope of our brand recognition capabilities.

  • Resolved Receipt Page Bug: Addressed a bug on the receipt page that incorrectly displayed the total bill amount when starting a free trial.

  • Fixed Login Page Autocomplete Bug: Corrected a bug on the login page where autocomplete in Chrome was not working properly.

  • Added Pagination to Custom Projects Table: We've introduced pagination to the Custom Projects table, improving navigation and making it easier to locate specific content for enhancement.

Release Notes 2024/02/21

  • Competitor Brand Mention Alerts: When you paste content into your preferred document, brand mentions are automatically highlighted.

  • Fixed Bug that Hid the Primary Keyword Option: When a user opened the custom project feature, their option to switch the keyword was limited to the first 10 keywords from the database. We've resolved this issue, granting access to the top 100 keywords in the cluster.

  • Implemented Quality of Life Improvement for Project Navigation: You can now alt-click on Writing Projects to open them in new tabs, improving ease of navigation.

  • Resolved Visual Bug with More Actions Button: Addressed a visual bug where the More Actions button was obstructed by the menu when opened.

  • Fixed Rendering Issue with Status Tag: We've fixed a bug that prevented the status tag from rendering correctly when a Writing Project was generating.

  • Resolved Competitor Counting Issue in New Campaign Wizard: Corrected an issue in the New Campaign wizard where the system incorrectly counted the number of defined competitors.

Release Notes 2024/02/14

  • Added Highlighting for Brand Mentions in Writing Projects: Now, whenever your competitors' brands are mentioned, we highlight the text to call it out. This feature also applies to product brands when a product is irrelevant to your content.

  • Fixed a Bug in the New Campaign Wizard: We corrected an issue where the number of competitors in a project was being inaccurately counted.

  • Improved Campaign Menu for Enhanced Usability: For accounts managing numerous campaigns, we've made two improvements. You can now "star" your most important campaigns to prioritize them at the top of the list. Campaigns will otherwise be sorted alphabetically. For accounts with over 10 campaigns, we've introduced a filtering option to simplify your search.

  • Improved the Action Stream's Empty State: We've updated the empty state of the Action Stream to offer better options, guiding you towards more effective outcomes like creating Custom Projects or replacing the current Campaign with a new one.

  • Revised Styling for Dismissed Questions in Writing Projects: We've updated the styling to more clearly indicate which questions can be overlooked.

  • Added an Option to Prune Competitors from Your Campaign: Directly from the Action Stream, you can now remove competitors from your campaign. Simply open a recommendation, click "More Actions" > "Remove Competitor from Campaign," and comparisons to that domain will be excluded.

Release Notes 2024/02/08

  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the account menu to render poorly at mobile resolutions.

  • Resolved an issue that suggested poor guesses for Google versions (,, etc.). Fortunately this only effected a small subset of domains.

  • Improved the first run experience so users can choose a different first project than the one we suggest.

  • Improved various Action Stream error messages to be more insightful and convey what steps you can take to resolve the issue.

Release Notes 2024/01/31

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing recipients of shared Writing Project from viewing the project.

  • Resolved an issue where Custom Projects was returning a 500 error for many large sites.

  • Fixed a bug where the Action Stream was returning an empty state when results were available to show.

Release Notes 2024/01/24

  • Major Release: Added Custom Projects, a feature that allows users to select their page that will be used to launch a project. The original "Action Stream" continues to show rank alerts and competitor actions as "Recommended Projects."

Release Notes 2024/01/17

  • Improved the new campaign performance for more consistently good suggestions in the Action Stream.

Release Notes 2024/01/10

  • Improved the Billing settings to clearly identify the current state of your account.

  • Fixed a bug where “Passage_1” was showing up in Writing Projects.

Release Notes 2024/01/03

  • Resolved a UI issue that was causing New Campaign wizard to shift elements haphazardly.

  • In an effort to reduce confusion, we updated the Geo Selection of the New Campaign wizard so that it now references the Google domain instead of the country itself along with a few other copy changes throughout the wizard.

  • Fixed a bug in the New Campaign wizard that was forcing triple opt-in to run sites with a small number of pages.

  • We’re now identifying branded questions in an effort to improve the quality of recommendations made in the Writing Projects.

Release Notes 2023/12/20

  • Users can now select a different page to compare against from what was offered in the original recommendation. It grants a user more control and customization.

Release Notes 2023/12/13

  • Fixed a bug where large sites like Wikipedia and YouTube were showing up as default competitors for many sites.

  • Resolved a visual issue in the New Campaign wizard were the button labels were conflicting with the region menu.

  • Added the ability to copy an entire Writing Project to your clipboard to be pasted into the document of your choice.

Release Notes 2023/12/6

  • Implemented functionality that allows you to invite your teammates and manage teams.

  • Improved the algorithm for recommending competitors.

  • Fixed a bug with how we calculate keyword overlap when adding custom competitors.

  • Resolved an issue where the share button in Writing Projects wasn’t working for Safari users.

  • Improved the error messaging in the Action Stream when we fail to grab a page correctly.

  • Implemented an exit modal to help notify users they have unsaved changes in the Campaign Settings.

Release Notes 2023/11/29

  • Improved the Campaign settings UI to be a bit easier to manage filters.

  • Fixed a bug in the New Campaign wizard that was preventing users from proceeding past the Competitor selection step when no competitors were identified.

  • Resolved an issue in the New Campaign wizard that was treating “www” as a subdomain.

  • Added validation to the login form and password reset field.

  • Added search suggestions to the homepage and competitor selection fields of the wizard.

  • Implemented navigational improvements when you click on the various logos across the site.

    • On upgrade, clicking the logo brings you back to the app.

    • On login, clicking the logo brings you back to the homepage.

Release Notes 2023/11/15

  • Resolved an issue where changing the Website name was not persisting.

  • Implemented a solution to remove popovers from thumbnail previews.

  • Added tooltips to the pricing page to help clarify the benefits of each plan.

  • Improved the mobile experience for adding a new website.

  • Added search-suggest to the homepage and Add Website wizard.

Release Notes 2023/11/8

  • Implemented multi-language support in Projects.

  • Added the ability to modify your competitors in the Campaign Settings after a campaign has been created.

  • Fixed a bug where the Billing Settings were not accurately reflecting the state of your account.

  • Resolved an issue in the New Campaign wizard where the back button wasn’t functioning as you would expect.

  • Fixed a bug where the Confirm You Competitors step of the New Campaign wizard would render an error message when there wasn’t an actual error.

  • Resolved a bug for mobile users that was preventing the nav from functioning as intended.

Release Notes 2023/11/2

Users can now edit competitors for an active Action Stream via Campaign Settings.

Release Notes 2023/11/1

The cancel button did not update when a user cancelled their account, making them unsure of their status. That bug has been resolved.

Release Notes 2023/10/26

Major Release: Public release of RivalFlow

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