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All CollectionsFAQ: How to Use RivalFlow AI
Why can't I get any recommendations for my site?
Why can't I get any recommendations for my site?
Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over a week ago

RivalFlow AI works best with websites that have at least 20 pages of written content--and the more content the better generally.

If you've gotten a "no recommendations" message for your website in RivalFlow, any of these might be the reason:

You entered a URL that's too narrow. (Try the full domain)
Sometimes pages like will work well. There are hundreds of pages under that path that rank on competitive keywords. However, for smaller domains that might not pull up enough content.
Try the full domain instead. One more thing is to be sure that any path you enter is actually where the articles reside.

For example, works because other articles follow the pattern as However, that would completely miss a page that doesn't include /blog like

​It's an ecommerce, product-driven site.
RivalFlow needs to see pages that rank for various terms that competitors also rank for, and those pages should be more like articles instead of product descriptions.
​You are just starting out

RivalFlow is not made to come up with content ideas or create new pages. It's made to improve existing content on websites that have established ranks already. Our focus is to move your pages up in the ranks from where they currently are.

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