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My Project is telling me to answer a question about my competitor
My Project is telling me to answer a question about my competitor

Branded terms aren't very common, but there's a way to make it work for you

Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over a week ago

Occasionally, a project includes a suggestion that you answer a question about your competitor.

It seems counterintuitive, but my tip is to not skip it. I ran into this in our own Action Stream, and these two adjustments worked well:

Replace it with your own brand.

Remember the point is to find the gaps and fill them with relevant information. You don't have to offer their Tooth Whitening 3000 solution to still give your reader information about your similar solution. The tool might have detected that they are answering about the branded product, but what matters is the information it's conveying to the reader about the product's benefit.

This might be a simple name replacement, or you might want to reword some things to emphasize your own value position.

Let's say the question you didn't answer was "How is the Tooth Whitening 3000 system easier to use at home than other systems?"

Your copy sound like it was written for them, but it was only inspired by what they wrote. This is original copy. Drop in your product's name and adopt as much of the answer as you can.

So instead of adding details about your competitor like "Tooth Whitening 3000 is an easy-to-use, at-home system that bypasses the need to sit in the dentist's chair." It's now "SparkleSmile is an easy-to-use, at-home system that bypasses the need to sit in the dentist's chair."

Or, consider a review-style answer like Competitor Brand vs Your Brand.

Let's say one question they answered was "How can I use DealHound to get the best deals when shopping for electronics online?" You can build on RivalFlow's suggested copy and turn it into a comparison. Add more information so that you are answering "How is My Brand better than DealHound to get the best deals in electronics online? You'll probably know this off the top of your head, but maybe your web pages didn't have that specific comparison.

πŸ’‘ Tip:

If that feels like too much extra work, just jot down a few bullet points about your product. Drop those into ChatGPT (or a similar AI model) along with our suggested copy and ask it to combine the two so that it writes a favorable review for your product. Drop that updated copy into your article and check the question off in your RivalFlow Project.

We'll Alert You

There are two points where you might see brand mentions in a Project.

Remember, a Project includes list of questions to answer and suggested copy to go with each one.

Some questions include a brand name or their product name. Those will be marked with a "Branded" badge.

Some copy suggestions include a brand or product name in the new snippet. Those will be highlighted in the text.

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