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Connecting your GSC to RivalFlow gives you a smarter report

Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over 3 months ago

You can connect your Google Search Console account to RivalFlow, and that will give you a double benefit that you can't get inside the Google tool:

  1. It automatically displays individual page results--without you having to dig to single them out. (Using GSC data: impressions, total keywords, clicks)

  2. It marks the point when you made those improvements. That gives you a before and after look at how updating your page affected your SEO performance.

How to add Google Search Console to your RivalFlow account

Open "Track Results" in the left-side navigation.

If GSC has not been connected for that domain, we will give you a prompt to connect it.

Click the image to see a step-by-step demo

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